Hearing Aids Come With Surprising Side Benefits

Woman enjoying better mental health after getting hearing aids.

Hearing aids could help about 28 million people. Which means that 28 million people would here their environment clearer if they had hearing aids. But your hearing aids will also help you take advantage of some other health benefits.

As it turns out, something as easy as using your hearing aids could be good for your physical and mental health. Everything from depression to a risk of falling can be delayed or even stopped by these devices. Your hearing aids can literally help you stay on your feet.

Hearing Aids And Mental Health Advantages

Modern medical studies have solidly demonstrated a link between hearing loss and cognitive decline. Mental illnesses such as depression, cognitive decline, anxiety, and dementia, in line with current thinking, can be induced by hearing loss due to a mix of mental, physical and social factors.

So the mental health benefits of hearing aids shouldn’t be very striking.

Lowering Your Risk of Dementia

Your risk of dementia can be lowered, based on one study, by nearly 20%. And all you have to do to take advantage of this amazing benefit is remember to wear your hearing daily.

In other studies, the onset of dementia was slowed by as much as two years by wearing hearing aids. This is really inspiring and with more research done to replicate and clarify these numbers, we can come a long way in the battle against cognitive decline and illness.

Depression And Anxiety Can be Decreased

Anxiety and depression are not symptoms that are exclusive to people who have hearing loss. But individuals who have hearing loss have been shown to have a higher risk of anxiety and depression over time.

Wearing your hearing aids can help keep you socially active and mentally engaged. If those were contributing factors to depression and anxiety, they can help.

You Won’t be as Lonely

While it might not sound as serious or imperative as dementia, solitude can be a serious issue for individuals with neglected hearing loss, social isolation often being the cause and adding fuel to the fire. That social isolation can cause significant changes to your disposition. So being able to remain social and engaged thanks to your hearing aid can be a great benefit.

And this is a good reason why, for instance, your hearing aid can help prevent conditions such as depression. To a certain extent, all of these health conditions are linked in some way.

Hearing Aids And Physical Advantages

As your hearing impairment worsens, there is some research that shows that you might be at a higher risk of having a stroke. But this research is in preliminary phases. It’s a little easier to recognize the more pronounced physical advantage of hearing aids: you won’t fall as often.

There are a couple of explanations for this:

  • Fall detection: Frequently, it’s getting back up after a fall that is the significant hazard, not the fall itself. Fall detection is a built-in feature of many newer hearing aid models. With specific settings enabled, when you take a tumble, a call will automatically be made to one of your pre-programmed emergency contacts so they will know to check up on you.
  • Situational awareness: With hearing aids, your situational awareness will be increased allowing you to steer clear of obstacles and avoid falling down. If your pet, for instance, is zooming out to greet you, you will be able to hear them coming and will be prepared for them to be under your feet.

Falling can have pretty significant health impacts, especially as you age. So your overall health can be safeguarded by reducing damage from falls or preventing them altogether.

Wear Your Hearing Aids Everyday

It’s worth noting that all of these advantages apply to individuals who have hearing ailments. Hearing aids won’t, for instance, help somebody with healthy hearing avoid a fall.

But if you do suffer from hearing loss, the smartest thing you can do for your ears, and for the rest of your body, is to wear your hearing aids.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.