Preventing The 4 Most Common Mistakes Made by New Hearing Aid Owners

Man adjusting to new hearing aids by adjusting volume on his smartphone.

At last, you got a pair of hearing aids. Good job taking the first step to enhance your quality of life. There are things you should learn to do and not to do with newer technology like modern hearing aids. With hearing aids the list is important even though it’s not very long.

It’s not simply about caring for your hearing aids, either. Your adjustment time will be slowed by the things you don’t do and your device will be less effective. Others in your shoes have made mistakes that you can learn from. These four things that you shouldn’t do need to be taken into consideration.

1. Straight Out of the Box Into Your Ear

You could be disregarding powerful features if you don’t take the time to learn the basics of how your hearing aid works and explore the features that come with the brand. It’s likely that your hearing aids won’t work efficiently if you simply turn them on and start wearing them. You might also miss out on the best features like Bluetooth and noise filters.

You can practice fine-tuning the hearing aid and determine how to get the best sound quality by slowing down a bit and reading the documentation.

You will already have a general understanding of what your hearing aids can do when you buy them. Now you need to learn how to use them which takes a little time.

2. Underestimate the Adjustment Factor

Your eyes need to adapt to the change in the lenses and the shape of the frame when you get new glasses. This also goes when it comes to hearing aids. Many new hearing aid owners think they will instantly experience this magical new sound quality. That’s not how it works.

If you haven’t ever worn hearing aids, it’s a significant change and your ears will need some time to adapt. Consistency is the secret to adapting quickly to your new hearing aids.

Leave them in place once you’ve put them in. Usually, new users have an urge to keep taking them out. That urge should be resisted. If you are uncomfortable, think about why.

  • Does the background noise seem overwhelming? Go to a quiet place for a few minutes when you first put them in each day. Sit and talk with a friend. Ask them if you are talking too loud. This will help you make adjustments to balance out the sound.
  • Is the audio too loud? Maybe you should turn down the volume.
  • Take out the hearing aid if it gets uncomfortable for short intervals. Go back to the seller and have your hearing aids examined if they don’t seem to fit right..

The worst mistake you can make is to give up. Your hearing aids won’t do any good shoved in a drawer and left behind.

3. Have the Hearing Aid Fitted When You First Get it

There is a lot involved in finding the right hearing aids, and it begins before you even start looking. While at your hearing exam at the audiologist, it’s important to be honest about what you can and can’t hear. Hearing aids that aren’t right for your type or level of hearing loss can be the result. For example, some hearing aids by design pick up a high-frequency sound. If your hearing loss interferes with your ability to hear mid-range or low sounds, the hearing aids won’t work correctly for you.

Your lifestyle, in certain cases may not seem well suited to hearing aids. Bluetooth technology is a feature that you will want if you use a phone allot.

Take note of when you want your hearing aid to do something different or when they aren’t functioning correctly when you are still in the trial period. You can go back and talk about those issues with your hearing aid technician. It could just take an adjustment, or perhaps you require a different type of device.

When you buy your hearing aids be certain to find a seller that does free fittings. If they are too big for your ears they won’t function properly.

4. Neglected Maintenance

Knowing when and how to maintain your hearing aids are the keys to success. Take the time to learn how to care for your hearing aids even if this isn’t your first pair.

When you buy your hearing aids, look closely at the warning signs listed in the documentation including using hair care products with your hearing aids in or not turning them off when you take it out.

Don’t forget to read the maintenance guide and troubleshooting instructions.

Understand precisely how to clean your hearing aids since that’s a big part of correct maintenance. The hearing aid is not the only thing that requires cleaning. You also have to properly clean your ears.

It’s up to you to make sure you get the most out of your new hearing aids. It’s an ongoing process from shopping to use. Make an appointment with a hearing care professional to learn what type of hearing aid will best fit your needs.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.