7 Ways to Get Ready for Your Hearing Exam

Smiling woman with short curly black hair wearing a green button up shirt excitedly waiting for her hearing test to begin in a sound booth

You totally spaced your hearing exam tomorrow, but that’s not really unusual, you’ve been very busy. It’s a good thing we sent you a reminder text so you should have a few hours to prepare. So… what should you do?

You won’t have to stay awake all night preparing for a hearing test like you did in school the night before a big exam. With a hearing exam, it’s more about trying to remember everything you need to know regarding your symptoms. Getting the most out of your time with us is what getting ready for your hearing test is really about.

Get prepared with these 7 tips!

1. Make a list of your symptoms (and when they happen)

Hearing loss doesn’t manifest the same way for everyone all the time. There may be some symptoms that are apparent and others that are more discreet. So, before your appointment, it’s a good plan to start taking some notes on when your hearing loss is most significant. Some things you can write down include:

  • Is it a challenge to carry on conversations on the phone? Take note of times when hearing the person on the other end is harder.
  • When you’re in meetings at work, do you lose focus? Does this tend to occur in the morning? All day?
  • When you’re out in a busy restaurant, do you struggle to hear conversations? If so, how frequently does that happen?
  • Was it hard to hear the television? Do you have it turned way up? And do you experience that it’s more difficult to hear later in the evening than in the morning?

This kind of information is really useful for us. Note the day and time of these symptoms if possible. If you can’t, just remember that they did occur.

2. Do some research on hearing aids

How much do you actually know about hearing aids? You don’t want to make any decisions based on false information you may have heard somewhere. An ideal opportunity to get some accurate info is when we inform you that hearing aids would benefit you.

You will get better information and the process will be expedited when you know what types of hearing devices are available and understand what your preferences are.

3. Consider your medical past

This is another instance when writing things down can help quicken the post-hearing-test-discussion. Write down your medical history before you come in for your appointment. Write down major medical incidents and also minor ones. Here are a few examples:

  • Medication interactions and allergies.
  • Major or minor surgical procedures that you have had.
  • Illness or diseases you’ve experienced that stick out in your mind.
  • Medications you’re currently taking.
  • Medical devices you might currently use.

4. Stay away from loud noises and noisy environments

If you go to a loud rock concert the day before your hearing test, it’s going to impact the results Likewise, if you check-out an airshow the morning before your exam, the results will not be accurate. You can see where we’re going with this: you want to protect your ears from loud noises before your hearing assessment. This will help ensure your results are reliable and reflect your current hearing health.

5. Check with your insurance beforehand

It can be somewhat confusing sorting out what portions of your appointment will be covered by insurance. If your hearing loss is part of a medical problem, some insurance plans will cover it. But other plans may not. It’s a good plan to get all of this figured out before your appointment, so you’re more confident about what you can look forward to. We can also help you in certain cases. If we can’t, you will have to speak directly with your insurance company.

6. Bring a friend or family member in with you

There are several important advantages to bringing a friend or relative with you to your hearing test, though it’s not entirely necessary. Here are several of the most notable benefits:

  • You’re likely to cover a lot of information at your appointment. Having a dependable friend or family member with you can help you remember all of that information later.
  • Even when you aren’t aware that you have hearing loss, people close to you will certainly be aware of it. This means that we will have access to even more insight to help make a precise diagnosis or exam.

7. The results will come fairly quickly

With many medical diagnostics, it could be days or weeks before you get your diagnosis. But with a hearing test, that’s not the case. With a hearing exam, you will get the results right away.

And what’s even better, we’ll show you how you can enhance your overall hearing health and help you understand the meaning of your results. That might mean utilizing some hearing protection or some lifestyle changes or perhaps hearing aids. You’ll know immediately either way.

So, you don’t need to cram for your hearing test. But being ready will be helpful, particularly for you.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.